
  • Free Pregnancy Testing and Verification

  • Care Closet

  • Clothing and Baby Items

  • Pregnancy Decision Coaching & After Abortion Care

  • Mom2Be Program

Visit Us

3717 Roosevelt Dr
Middletown, OH 45044

Monday 12-5 Tuesday 12-3 Wednesday 9-12 Thursday 12-2

(513) 424-2229


Our Care Closet

Is stocked with maternity and baby items for our clients. Parents may come in once a month to pick up supplies such as diapers, formula, and clothing for their child at absolutely no cost. We also supply maternity clothes for expectant mothers and some small furniture items.

Furniture items are limited and are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Large furniture items such as cribs and travel systems may be awarded through out Mom2Be and Dad2Be programs.


First time mothers are eligible to go through our 15 week Mom2Be program. Upon signing up for the program, clients meet once weekly for one hour sessions to learn about becoming a mother.

Topics including: education on each trimester, prenatal care & nutrition, infant development, ultrasound information, bonding and the parent/child relationship, newborn care, and many others topics.


Expectant mothers who start the Mom2Be program before their 16th week of pregnancy and finish the program may be eligible for a FREE crib or travel system.

After Abortion Care

Here at the Community Pregnancy Center, we care for those who have been hurt by their abortion decision. Even though abortion is a legal procedure and an option for women, the risks and future consequences of that decision are often not adequately discussed. Also, experience and time has shown that many women are not prepared for the possible changes to their lives in response to their abortion. In many situates, the physical and emotional impact does not become evident for years.

We offer a ten week bible study which is designed to help a woman through her grief and find the hope, healing and forgiveness she needs.